Climate Change: A Shared Responsibility or a Blame Game?

The industrial revolution started in england as a good thing that would improve the lives of humans forever. But after many years of fosil fuels being used around the globe, problems have erupted. from the increase of global temperatures to the flooding of coastal areas it seams like humanity is doomed to go extinct. This is called climate change and who is actualy responsible?

The country that emits the most carbon dioxide is China. Many countries say that China is responsible for climate change but China also has the second largest population in the world, it controles the global trade with it's imense factories and it produces the most renuable energy. But if we go back in time, the U.K. and the U.S.A. have the title for the bigest emiters throughout history, towering over China's historical emitions.   

So who is responsible for climate change, China or the west? Well, who is responsible is not really important. The thing that maters is that our planet is being destroyed and we need to act before it is too late.                                            
