Children of Paradise (Iranian filmmaker)
"Children of Paradise" is a film which focuses οn two brothers, an ageless boy and a slightly younger girl. They live in Iran and their living conditions are very bad. They have a father who works all the time, a younger sister, and a sick mother. So, the "eldest" Ali is forced to go shopping for what the family needs, helping with the housework. Even though he is busy with so many things, he also studies and has very good grades, but he is also a very fast boy. Οne day when, he buys potatoes and he leaves his sister's shoes, which the cobbler has just repaired, outside next to some garbage. An old man takes the shoes and Ali loses them. As a result, they are forced to take turns sharing the same pair of sneakers so their father and mother don't find out. A street race, with third prize sneakers gives Ali hopes of making up for the loss. Instead of third, he comes first. Luckily, his father manages to come up with more money and buys them both new shoes.
Manziou Irini - Maria, A2, Film Club
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