Tennessee born American filmmaker Quentin Tarantino is one of the world’s most renowned writer/directors. Each of his films is highly anticipated, as he draws upon the subjects and themes of previous films to produce a fresh storyline. In Tarantino’s past 26 years of filmmaking, he has written 16 films and directed nine. Reservoir Dogs (1992), True Romance (1993), and Pulp Fiction (1994) are Tarantino’s earliest films and his most famous. Sub genres of films such as Spaghetti Westerns, Blaxploitation, and Poliziotteschi were popular during Tarantino’s adolescence, and can be seen in the directors’ early films, which likewise hold the cinematic motifs that would come to dominate his entire output. Tarantino’s early films have made him a hero of 21st Century filmmaking. His unapologetic repetition of themes, skilled use of the camera to create highly tense moments, and his preference for morally ambiguous characters allows fans to instantly recognise the man in his films. Teetering on a fine line between unruly comedy and violent excess, he never strays from his unique style of filmmaking. Instead he continues to develop his artistic voice, juxtaposing interesting, uncanny dialogue and violence in an effort to push the envelope of filmmaking.
