Creative Writing -Model Secondary School of Agioi Anargyroi, Athens


creative writing

The dystopian present (in contradistinction to the utopian future portrayed in A.S.J Tessimond’s poem Daydream)

Nowadays, people are loners, avoiding any sense of communication

Hatred is all that they feel towards each other, their hearts

are malicious, malevolent, lifeless as plastic dolls

People are enslaved by their thoughts, keeping themselves to themselves

and that’s all

They are cramped and restrained, pressured and controlled

There is no room for mistakes, imperfection leads to condemnation

Work consumes people’s souls, sleepless nights, exhausted minds,

just to please their boss

There is no time left for play, work-eat-sleep, there is no

other way

Time is money, they say, the clock on the wall won’t ever stop

And because of this, people have lost their smiles

Happiness won’t ever come back, unless time dies.


Mariza Lambropoulou  B’ Class 


Variation on the Beatles song When I’m 64

Running, playing, laughing, crying

In a moment these are gone

but what matters is the love

Will it be true at 64?


Trying, failing, winning, dying

Is it really terrifying?

I don’t think so, if there is love

Will it be true at 64?


Will you play, will you laugh

Will you love me like you do?

Will you think that I’m enough?

‘Cause age is just a number, too.


Sitting there together happy,

Will it be a dream-come-true?

Or will you leave when you get angry?

Love will fade at 22.


Once I thought that we’d be happy

The next moment this was gone

Maybe it’s just because I’m sleepy

Wake me up at 64!


Evina Zenetou  B’ Class 



Communication is the main reason why internet exists

Love something, you buy it with a click

Impatience running through your veins

Click is the most popular sound, even in space

Keeping an eye on your computer every day

Control is now nowhere to be seen

Living for social media alone, addiction has appeared

Incapable of putting an end to this

Commanding my brain to stop, but it’s too late

Keen on clicking, I posted a photo by mistake

Comments are all over the place

Likes and dislikes, making my heart break

I’m in my room, isolated now

Crying, trying to stop but I never learned how

Kicked the wall, but my embarrassment isn’t gone

Now I’m all alone,

because I had never thought

what C.L.I.C.K. stands for.

Vassiliki Chionidou B’ class


To click or not to click OR There is something rotten in the kingdom of the Web

Have you ever felt that you are lost,

lost in a kingdom of web and digits …

Have you, have you not?

Feeling like you are absorbed by a web made of illusions and fake dreams,

not knowing what you truly want.

Tired but devoted to a lost utopia.

Finding pleasure in the scouring of society,

whatever that means.

Hurting other people’s feelings, without knowing them, believing you’re a

little god, because you hide behind a wall that eliminates reality.

Are you sure you want all this?

People didn’t use to be like that …

when that kingdom hadn’t peasants,

but now,

it is the kingdom that every peasant wants to be a king of.

And those peasants do not know they are enslaved.

Enslaved by their desires and addictions.

Their mind is chained with iron chains.

But those enslaved souls believe that they are free.

Free as a bird.

Not knowing that they are birds closed in a diamond cage.

And those creatures will end up having no feelings or emotions for the world

outside their cage.

Now, you know a number of things about this kingdom’s laws and people.

So next time you find it on your path, think:

To click or not to click …

Vassiliki Kotsi    B' class

 – Model Secondary School of Agioi Anargyroi

Teacher in charge: Christina Kalfoglou, PhD in Lingusistics
