An indisputable fact

It is an indisputable fact that smoking is very dangerous for someone’s health and can cause many problems both to them and their family. It may seem appealing to a lot of people because of the pleasure and satisfaction it gives but there should always be taken into consideration how dangerous it can be.

First and foremost, it is very important for everyone to understand how serious health problems caused by smoking are and how much someone can suffer. Fertility problems, anxiety, pneumonia, coughing, impaired lung growth and cancer are some of the numerous health problems that can occur. Obviously there are other problems, such as bad breath or yellow stains on the fingers, nails or teeth.Therefore, as it can easily be understood there is no reason for someone to start smoking  since it can cause only damage.  

In addition,even in the case that someone does not care about themselves,they should at least think about their family and friends. Why would they have to get harmed because nobody  cares about the consequences? Especially parents have to be careful and not turn their kids into passive smokers, since the latter get easily offended by diseases. 

To conclude, smoking  not only harms smokers but their family and friends too. So before you consider starting it or continuing it, think about all the dangers and problems that can occur.

Dimitra Avgoustatou


