My first year in senior high school

There have been almost eight months since I graduated from junior high-school and started my high-school courses. Before the beginning of the current school year, I heard from many friends as well as from people of my close environment that senior high is much more difficult than anything I have encountered so far. Of course, I didn’t believe them and thought that, as a diligent student all these years, I could manage to cope easily with the new conditions. And here I am, now, finding out that they were absolutely right. It was the first-and I hope the last- time I was so wrong!

It is true that high-school was a totally unknown world for us and we soon observed that considerable changes have been introduced in every aspect of our school life. The only thing that remained the same were my fellow classmates without whom I couldn’t adapt to the new environment and I would probably face some problems. 

When we attended our first lesson, we realized that most of our teachers were impersonal and didn’t show any interest in creating friendly relationships among students. They wanted only to lecture and examine us with short-duration tests, in order to ensure that we had the required knowledge. Any contact among us was completely typical. 

Apart from the ineffective communication with our teachers that had a negative impact on our psychological situation, there was also a considerable increase in requirements. We came in touch with new material and we were faced with many difficult exercises. Our difficulty to cope with the new conditions was obvious, especially when we were asked to sit for the first exams at the end of the semester. And, as you can imagine, most of us were doomed to fail. 

Surprisingly, after this failure the majority of our teachers tried to be more friendly with us. Thus, we felt for the first time a sense of familiarity. This fact, in addition with some unexpected successes, were enough to encourage us to continue actively our school year. And now, I can undoubtedly say that we are used to senior high and are ready to face effectively any difficult or challenging situation that might come up. 

However, part of being a senior high student is also an indication that we got more mature and are respected more by our teachers, in terms of participating in activities, trips. Besides, our parents seem to understand our needs, allow us to go out with friends and sometimes return home after midnight.

To sum up, although senior high may seem something new to us, it is an amazing experience which we are asked to explore during our school days here.  

Nteligiorgis George
