November’s International Days
International Days have been established in order to inform and affect us by making us search more about a specific topic. They can refer to varied categories like freedom, illness and many others. November is full of such interesting and important international days. Tolerance and World Kindness Day are an example of these.
World Kindness Day
Kindness plays an important role in everyone's personality. This is what we celebrate annually on the 13th of November. During this day, people participate in special activities and make attempts to improve the world's kindness and decrease the percentage of global bullying.
Some Ideas for the Day
Choose someone and list their 3 best qualities, then share the list with them
Help a friend struggling with homework
Volunteer at an animal shelter
Write a kind note for a family member
Donate old clothes or toys you don’t need for a charity.
A quote for this day: ‘’The world is full of kind people. If you can’t find one, be one.’’
International Day of Tolerance
Celebrated every year on the 16th of November, International Day of Tolerance reminds us of the significant meaning of diversity, but also the dangers that can be provoked by intolerance. It was decided to celebrate it by the United Nations, so that everyone will understand and accept each other’s differences. However, the main purpose of this day is the extinction of racism and discriminations.
A quote for this day: ‘’Tolerance isn’t about not having beliefs. It’s about how your beliefs lead you to treat people who disagree with you.’’ Timothy Keller
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Since women and girls all over the world continue to be victims of violence, governments globally have defined the 25th of November as the International Day of Violence Against Women. Authorities want to raise awareness about these tragic events that occur daily. During this day, women participate in protests, in order to show men their lack of respect towards them and their inability to recognize women’s rights and equality.
A quote for this day: ‘’Violence against women isn’t cultural, it’s criminal. Equality cannot come eventually, it’s something we must fight for now.’’ Samantha Power
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